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Discover the 9 principles NEEDED to make your business profitable!

  • No matter what your product or service...
  • Irrespective of your talent, skill, or experience...

The principles presented in this book can make your business more profitable.


From: Julie Brihm

Salt Lake City, UT.

Dear Business Owner...

Have you ever wondered what the big differences are between companies that are running well and the true success stories?

In the Black introduces the concept of the Wisdom Pyramid. It is a way of modeling the assimilation of data into meaningful and predictive business decisions.

You will learn how accounting is the primary source of data and how to use this data to work your way up the Wisdom Pyramid using reports and statistical analysis of your business data.

Every business decision that you make should be based upon experience (wisdom gained from analysis of past information ) or upon current information. Without specific metrics to gauge your success, you will have no data to determine what is working and what isn't.

After reading this book, you will:

  • Know how to make the three major functions of business - Marketing, Production, and Accounting work together more effectively.

  • Understand a process of gaining knowledge - even wisdom - to help you and your clients make better business decisions.

  • ​Know how to become a Profit Expert for each of your client’s businesses.

  • ​Improve your understanding of the financial position of your client’s business.

  • ​Understand more clearly how accounting information can help you manage their businesses more profitably.

  • ​Be able to develop action plans to implement these Nine Principles immediately in each business.

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